Raid is a pesticide for killing germs. I received a solution for the bots! Everyone fly and is conscious of those Demon Slater bots botting for Bosses / vacuum each of the items in the bonus stage Buy MapleStory2 Mesos. Bots are utilized in coaching to get a HS/Kishin mule or by some high level people. Some level bots like Jetts, are used to advertise in Ard in addition to Henesys/FM.
I understand GMs in charge of user abuse don’t approve this and make a bid to prohibit these bots/lazy players. A problem is that botters, reproduce due to the fact that have random sequences because of their IGNs and all they do is loop a script with a couple loops and coordinates.
To stop bots or have players who will not hear, is it sensible to set up captchas to check all players. Then send those who neglect 5x to”limbo-ban” (it may cause temporary ban if it’s a user with an IGN that makes sense as well as its own Nexon ID and Mail, otherwise bots would be prohibited indefinitely via their MAC address and Nexon ID and that user will not have the ability to play/bot again.) You might wonder”they could get another PC,” or”They multi-client, not good enough,” but that system will last and finally, each MAC ban would cost the person hundreds of dollars, and even when they do promote the Maplestory2 items for real currency, they would eventually lose cash and stop botting.
This system may be excellent, however a downside is if a player is just using hacks and can input the captchas, or a pro, but ESL player plays and sets it off (this happened to me in Korean Maplestory and that I was afraid to play till I discovered I must play in Korea’s daytime.)
I hope that incorporating this method would benefit all of the servers since bots can’t sell deflated goods Official MapleStory 2 Wiki, advertise sites, or benefit.